Accessibility statement

This site conforms to the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard, as test in Chrome and Firefox browsers.

Accessibility measures in the site

  • Support for all standard desktop browsers
  • Simple structure, applicable for screen readers, including division into paragraphs, lists, and titles.
  • An additional accessibility widget, the Sienna Accessibility Widget, allowing users to adjust the font and color settings, highlight titles, highlight links, add a big cursor and more.

Using the accessibility features

  • To open the accessibility widget, click on the round icon at the bottom of the screen
  • Alternatively, you can decrease/increase the font size via Ctrl and the +/- keys on the keyboard, or the mouse wheel.
  • Users who don't use a mouse, can move between links via the TAB key, and activate said links via the ENTER key.
  • The site doesn't include flickers or animations.

The site was tested with the NVDA screen reader, under Windows 10, in the Chrome and Firefox browsers

If you find any accessibility issue with the site, please contact us at:
Name: Alexander Krupitsky